PhotoMesh fully automates the generation of high-resolution, textured, 3D mesh models from standard 2D photographs. This breakthrough application combines unlimited scalability with superior precision to produce consistent and accurate 3D models that enhance the realism of any 3D visualization.
Skyline's PhotoMesh fully automates the generation of high resolution, textured, 3D mesh models from standard 2D photographs, offering a significant reduction in cost and time compared to traditional modeling methods. This breakthrough application combines unlimited scalability with superior precision to produce consistent and accurate 3D models that enhance the realism of any 3D visualization.
PhotoMesh’s powerful engines and elaborate tiling mechanisms enable efficient handling of projects with massive quantities of input imagery. PhotoMesh can also exploit computer clusters and cloud computing to dramatically accelerate processing time by enabling multiple computers to share the processing load.
PhotoMesh Components
The PhotoMesh application is composed of three components:
PhotoMesh Editor – GUI from which the user can prepare and edit a build, submit it for processing, and then review build results.
PhotoMesh Fuser – Worker component of PhotoMesh which allows you to share the workload between several computers and multi-CPU platforms on the same network. The Master computer, equipped with PhotoMesh fuser, utilizes the computing power of the network’s client computers by connecting to PhotoMesh fusers on the client machines.
PhotoMesh Build Manager – Manager application that is responsible for managing the build process and PhotoMesh fusers. In PhotoMesh Build Manager, the user selects the build steps that should be performed and the fusers to use for processing the build. PhotoMesh Build Manager then assigns the steps to the different fusers and the build process begins. During the build process, PhotoMesh Build Manager monitors the build and provides the user with detailed information about the build progress.
Main Features
Generates a full-3D mesh model that faithfully reproduces even small-scale details such as cars, trees, fences, and walls.
Advanced color balancing and high-quality texturing.
Significant reduction in cost and time when compared with traditional modeling methods.
Efficiently handles even hundreds of thousands of photos using an elaborate tiling mechanism.
Exploits multi-computer architecture (fusers) to further accelerate database creation, running a single project simultaneously on hundreds of machines.
PhotoMesh’s 3D models can be exported in various multi-resolution 3D formats (3DML, OSGB DAE, OBJ, and PLY), ensuring full interoperability with 2D/3D GIS solutions.
Efficient algorithms can be run fluidly on standard GPUs.
Multi-core and multi-computer processing can be exploited to further accelerate database creation.
A single project can run simultaneously on hundreds of fuser machines, processing tens of km2 per day.
Support for all standard image formats (Jpg, Tiff, etc.).
PhotoMesh Build Manager provides comprehensive information on the progress of each build step and the active fusers.
Powerful visualization capabilities and tools, including photo projection on the terrain and project preview.